2020 Conference on the Environment
Westchester County, located in the Lower Hudson Valley, will be the host for this year’s Conference on the Environment to be held this Fall. Westchester has the largest number of CACs/CBs of any other county in New York State, and will be utilizing this depth of commitment on putting together what will be a timely and interesting conference on what matters most to our members. Stay tuned for further information later this year.
NYSACC is Looking for Interns
Our association is looking for individuals that would like to assist us in expanding our membership through contacting known existing CACs/CBs throughout the state and updating our current list. Work can be done at home and access to a computer is only required. NYSACC will work with students who require public service credits for their school programs. Non-student volunteers will also be accepted. Contact, if interested.
NYSACC is Looking for Contributors to NYSACC News
We would like to get articles about what your CACs/CBs are doing, opinion pieces, environmental cartoons (especially connected to CAC/CB activities), links to organizations that would be of interest to our members, suggestions to how better to serve you, questions about your local issues, and any other matters that could be added to our newsletter. Please contact with your input.
NYSACC Wants to Form ELLAs Throughout NYS
When the Environmental Leaders Learning Alliance (ELLA) was founded at Teatown Lake Reservation Nature Preserve and Education Center in 2007, the founders anticipated taking their program statewide. Alas, that never happened. However, NYSACC, in discussions with ELLA, would like to assist in fulfilling that goal. We are looking for grants to assist in this effort. But more importantly, we are looking for organizations, similar to Teatown, that would be interested in creating their own ELLA in their local region. As county Environmental Management Councils have been in decline due to funding issues, there is a missing element in the original NYSDEC concept for local environmental assistance to municipalities. ELLA can fill that gap by providing a regional forum for CACs/CBs. It’s a success story years in the making. Teatown’s ELLA would act as a resource to other groups to get their ELLAs started. If you know of a nature educational center in your area (check out this resource list) that might be interested, please email with contact information.
We have consistently kept our membership dues low, as we know even modest sums can be difficult if you have no or a limited budget. We also have offered, that if your municipal organization has never been a member of NYSACC, your first year’s dues are waived. However, full payment would always be appreciated. We have no plans in the future to change this policy, but want to expand our reach. Therefore, we will be sending out a membership dues request shortly that will cover the following categories:
- Organizational (municipal groups, such as CACs and CBs, and not-for profit groups)…………………………$75.00/year
- Individual…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..$30.00/year
- For-Profit Company……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………$150.00/year
- Student (proof of school enrollment required)……………………………………………………………………………………Free