

2021 Annual Membership

As the new year begins, NYSACC asks that you continue your annual membership, or if you are not presently a member, consider joining.  Here’s a link to our membership page on our website:  NYSACC Membership – NYSACC | New York State Association of Conservation Commissions.  Membership is also open to NGO’s, students, individuals, and for-profit companies.

2021 NYSACC 50th Anniversary Conference on the Environment

The 2021 Conference on the Environment will be hosted by the CACs and county government of Westchester County, located in the lower Hudson Valley.  Due to the continuing uncertainty of the effects of the pandemic this coming year, no decision has yet been made whether this will be an in-person conference or virtual. 

While there is no substitute for meeting in person as networking is one of the most important assets of conferences, if we go virtual, we promise you an imaginative and informative conference using the most engrossing software available.  For a peek at a possible virtual conference provider, use this link to see a demo of a conference site called Gathertown:  Demo – Conference.  Use your arrow keys to move your avatar around the conference rooms.  You can go into meeting rooms for presentations, and when your avatar is in close proximity to another avatar, you can have private video conversations.  A brave new world!

Contributors to NYSACC News

We would like to get articles about what your CAC’s/CB’s are doing, opinion pieces, environmental cartoons (especially related to CAC/CB activities), links to organizations that would be of interest to our members, suggestions to how better to serve you, questions about your local issues, and any other matters that could be added to our newsletter. Please contact with you input.

2020 NYS DEC Update

NYS Department of Environmental Conservation is happy to share the presentations from the Environmental Informational webinar that took place on December 15, 2020. To access the video presentations, please use the link below.   Control and click to follow the link and hit the play arrow to begin the presentation.  

 2020 NYSACC Annual Meeting

Here’s the link to the recording of the NYSACC annual meeting held on December 15th The business part of the meeting at the very beginning was unfortunately not recorded, but the content was.

NYSACC Questionnaire

NYSACC is preparing a questionnaire to go out this spring on subjects of interest to your CAC or environmental group.  If you would like to suggest questions that you would like to see asked, please contact

New Board Members

Kristen Andersen from Larchmont’s Environmental Committee, Region 3 (Director-at-large)
Brett Johnson from Gorham’s Conservation Board, Region 8 (Director)
Julie Ruben from Putnam Valley’s Environmental Commission, Region 3 (Director-at-large)

List of Active CACs and other Environmental Groups in New York State

NYSACC will be publishing shortly on its website a list of active CACs and other environmental groups throughout NYS, that was produced by our interns Brisa and Sam over this past summer.  In it you can locate nearby CACs, if you wish to coordinate activities in your area.  We will continue to keep this list current, and welcome any updates due to membership changes, or CACs upgraded to Conservation Boards by their municipalities.  We, in particular, need a direct email contact for each group.  So, if you see in the list that we only have your municipal clerk as our contact, please make the necessary changes.

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